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One of our mantras here at Catch is simple: Always. Be. Networking. Our passion is connecting great companies with talented individuals, so anywhere there’s a crowded gathering you’ll likely find a member of the Catch Crew.

Connections are the fuel that feeds the growth of every business community, and Charleston is certainly no exception. Our Technology, Creative, and Startup scenes are thriving, and the networking ecosphere that surrounds them is a reflection of that energy. There has never been a better time to get out there, slap on a name tag, and meet a new client, partner, vendor, or teammate.  

Professional Networks

No matter what craft you practice, there are ample opportunities to run with your professional tribe at events hosted by the Charleston chapters of the American Marketing Association (AMA), the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), DisruptHR, and the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM).

And if you’re part of our growing tech scene, there are regular events put on by Tech After Five, Charleston Women in Tech, and Women Who Code, not to mention the Charleston Digital Corridor’s annual, and always epic, iFivek.

Startup Networks

The startup scene in Charleston seems to be growing by the day, and so are the gatherings that support it. Get plugged in to local leaders by checking out a Startup Grind, attend one of the Mashups that lead up to DIG SOUTH (the annual three-day national conference right here in Charleston featuring global CEOs and 150+ speakers), or hear amazing pitches every Wednesday morning at One Million Cups – of the Harbor Entrepreneur Center‘s best initiatives. And if you’re ready to build your startup from the ground up, check the The Iron Yard’s demo day and get inspired!

Business Networks

Charleston isn’t just about tech, and we have a thriving business scene across all industries. Charleston Young Professionals has been a pillar of our community for a long time and has a full slate of events and initiatives worth checking out. The CRBJ’s Power Breakfast Series consistently brings together leaders from across our community for large panel events, and Great Business Networking members meet regularly across the Charleston metro area.

Find the Network That’s Right for You

With only so many hours in a day, and businesses to run, we thought we’d create a fun way to help Charleston vets and newbies find that perfect networking event to attend – whether you’re a Creative Director or Backend Developer. 

My recommendation? Attend every single one of these events as often as possible – they are all amazing and worthy your time and attention. But if you want a little help picking one out, check out the flowchart below to start your journey! Happy networking!