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Nothing is more important to a business than the talented individuals who come together day in and day out to change the world: The world of their customers, the world of their company, and the world around them. As HR professionals and entrepreneurs, it’s our job to come together as a community to ensure the workplace of tomorrow is bright, inspiring, and ready to change those worlds. That’s what DisruptHR is all about…

Catch Talent is excited to announce that DisruptHR Charleston is coming back to The American Theater on November 1 for another night of fresh ideas and progressive topics around business, talent attraction, professional development, employee engagement, and beyond! Along with returning sponsors ADPCharleston Open Source, ENGAGE Talent, and NFP, this energetic, standing-room only, idea-inducing event is one you and your team simply cannot miss!

Tickets Are On Sale Now >>

What is DisruptHR Charleston?

DisruptHR is a groundbreaking Human Resources and Talent Attraction movement built on the belief that people and workplaces are constantly changing, so the ideas and methodologies we use to engage, energize, and inspire them should adapt and evolve too. Now an International event in over 100 cities from San Fransisco to London, DisruptHR is progressive thought leadership event that will change the way you approach your people and talent forever.

OWednesday, November 1 from 5:30 to 8:30 PM, we’ll host the third edition of DisruptHR Charleston at American Theater where professionals will hit the stage to share their disruptive ideas on how to move our collective thinking forward when it comes to the workplace.

Last Spring, over 200 people collectively created a standing room-only audience and learned a ton, plus were able to network and mingle with fellow HR professionals from our community. And as a bonus, the event provided recertification credits for HRCI and SHRM certifications – which just proves learning CAN be fun!

If you’re unfamiliar with the format, you’re in for a pleasant surprise: DisruptHR takes the brilliance of TED Talks, adds a pinch of energy from Ignite/Pecha Kucha events, and finishes it with a dash of “talent” giving each speaker 5 minutes to blow your mind on topics relevant to the human experience and how we work! Each presenter gets 20 slides for 15 seconds each: That’s it!

Check out the videos from our Spring 2017 Disrupt and see for yourself:

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Get Involved as an Attendee, Speaker, or Sponsor

Tickets for DisruptHR Charleston are on sale now for $20. We encourage you to bring your whole team and make a night of it, so we’ve made 5-packs of tickets available at a discount.

If you have a great idea, strong vision, or just like to talk about the future of work, please submit your session! We’re looking for unique and progressive topics, and would love to hear yours.

Want to get your brand in front of Charleston’s most progressive HR audience? We’re looking for sponsors at $500, $1000, and $2000 levels to join the movement. Send DisruptHR Charleston organizer Chad Norman an email if you’re interested, and we’ll find a package that works best for your business and brand.

Are you ready to disrupt?!?! Grab a ticket and we’ll see you there!