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How to Market Yourself on LinkedIn

How to Market Yourself on LinkedIn

 Alright, here’s the scoop. When you’re searching for a job, your LinkedIn profile is your most valuable tool. This is where you can market yourself to potential employers, coworkers, and companies. The value is in the details, so here are some of the top...
Often Overlooked Gems for Your Careers Page

Often Overlooked Gems for Your Careers Page

When you’re a recruiter, your company’s careers page is your homepage, your domain, and the tip of your employer branding spear. Your candidates will research your organization on Glassdoor, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but they will spend the most time looking...
Your Personal Brand and Why It Matters

Your Personal Brand and Why It Matters

After being in the Recruiting industry for just three short years, I have gained an abundance of experience and insight from current and neighboring employers, mentors, leaders, and even candidates themselves. The main thing I have taken to heart is the importance of...
4 Ways To Make Your Careers Page Count

4 Ways To Make Your Careers Page Count

I’ve said it before: Recruiters Are Marketers, and those who embrace their inner-agency souls will reap the benefits… and in this case, the candidates. Gone are the days where you can slap a paragraph of company boilerplate and a job board widget on a page and call it...