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The 2016 Catch Spring Tour

The 2016 Catch Spring Tour

It’s that time of year again: 80 degree weather, pollen-covered cars, Food & Wine Festival, no-see-ums, Fashion Week… Spring is officially here in Charleston! With the longer days and warm weather comes event season, which means opportunities to get out...
A People Tech Paradise

A People Tech Paradise

It’s no secret Charleston has a vibrant and flourishing tech scene.  In fact, some would say this city is in a relationship with tech – as in, a moved in together, swapped keys, and introduced-them-to-friends relationship.  It’s getting pretty serious some might...
4 Ways to Win as a Candidate Coach

4 Ways to Win as a Candidate Coach

With playoffs under our belt, and the Super Bowl only days away, I started pondering what strategy the Carolina Panthers and Denver Broncos’ coaches had up their sleeve to inspire, advise, and motivate their teams to perform at the highest level. Ultimately, what game...
I Don’t Like Coworking, I Love It

I Don’t Like Coworking, I Love It

Two months ago, Christina and I launched Catch with a plan for success, a passion for talent, and dreams of ruling the world, natch. We knew Thomas and Ashley would be joining us shortly, but when and where were still up in the air. And with a team of four, the...