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5 Ways to Prepare for the Salary Question

5 Ways to Prepare for the Salary Question

Picture this: You’ve worked hard for weeks on end to get to the final stages of an interview. You’ve now had two interviews (and maybe a project) and you know the next step is a highly anticipated phone call. When you get the call, you answer and calmly...
How to Digitize Your Portfolio

How to Digitize Your Portfolio

 Let’s talk about digital portfolios! No recruiter loves having to coach a candidate on how to put together something that the candidate should already have together and ready to send at the drop of a hat.  These days, candidates have no choice but to send...
The Fatal Flaw of Hiring

The Fatal Flaw of Hiring

  Hiring in the post-pandemic economic recovery is a lot like buying a home in a highly desirable community. If you drag your feet, the home of your dreams will be off the market by the time you present an offer. If you have ever wanted to hire someone, make a...