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Your Employer Brand Is Worth the Investment

Your Employer Brand Is Worth the Investment

You know YOU. And you know YOUR organization. However, unless you’re Jeff Besos of Amazon, or Mark Zuckerburg of Facebook, it would be naive to assume that every candidate out there is as familiar with YOUR organization and brand. Employer branding, marketing...
Leadership Is Never Finished

Leadership Is Never Finished

Do you remember where you were in 2012 when you still liked Facebook, cared about its endless integration of our lives, and wanted nothing more than to wish that random classmate you haven’t seen since prom happy birthday? Yep, me too. So when I found myself waxing...
The Secret Lives of Resume Pet Peeves

The Secret Lives of Resume Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves… we all have them. Some of my personal pet peeves include when couples include dogs in their engagement photos, when large groups insist a restaurant set them up with a Game of Thrones style table for 20, and when small children call me “Mr. Chad” –...